7 Hacks To Drastically Improve Your Instagram Page
and why you should definitely try them!
So as a marketer or brand, if you feel you are missing out on something by not utilizing Instagram Power then yes you are god damn right! But worry not, in this article I am going to tell you 7 tried and tested secret hacks that will definitely help you grow your Instagram Page!
1. Consistency:
How often to post? This question still troubles the majority of people. And there is every reason to feel so because people keep sharing different experiences. Some say post as much as you can some say post less frequently. Who is right?
Ans: all of them. But what worked for them, may not necessarily work for you. A Thumb rule is Post Quality Content. Be it high-resolution pics or really useful advice, do not, I repeat, Do Not Compromise on Quality. Because that’s what will make you stand out from the crowd. So, when you post quality content, with the right hashtags, sooner or later you will get higher engagement. So, it’s really up to you how often can you create quality content, once a day good. Twice a week equally good. But make sure you stick to the schedule. Because it is true, consistency is the key!
2. Respond:
Not responding to people when they DM you or Comment on your posts is bad manners. Especially when you are trying to establish a brand! It is absolutely bad idea to be not responsive. Unless you are getting thousands and thousands of DMs & Comments every day that is really not manageable like Christiano Ronaldo or Selena Gomez gets. Responding to comments & DMs gives you goodwill. When they like the person behind a page and connect with them, they start engaging with your content even more.
Understand, engagement is generated when the communication is two way. If people are taking out time to comment / DM you, make sure you respond back to them. It is the most humane thing to do. It will create a persona of your brand and people will be able to relate to you.
3. Guide people:
Our feeds are having so much content every moment that it becomes overwhelming to process all that is in front of our eyes. When we have too much unnecessary information, we start ignoring it. Using the right CTAs in the caption as well as in creatives can be extremely helpful. When you are giving useful information, guide people to like the post, to share their experiences/ thoughts, or to just save it later for their use. Merely adding a save symbol on your posts can improve engagement by up to 15%!
So make sure — you write engaging captions to the posts. Ask questions and make people reply in comments / DMs. Don’t feel bad to ask people to share, save, like!
4. Interesting captions:
A good post with a catchy caption is all you need to get going! Don’t post boring captions. Pose a question to your audience, make them respond. Another important thing about writing captions is the proper usage of hashtags. It can bring new people to your page.
Make sure you are not using hashtags that have too much competition. Find out what are the most frequently used hashtags by your competitors and see if you can use them.
5. Be the Favorite Fan boy:
When you are new or do not have much following, you can use one simple but super-useful trick. Find out influencers in your niche. Create content that they would love to share on their account. Reach out to them with the content that is tailor-made for them and ask if they would share it. Who will not like quality content that is free? in return, they will tag you / mention you in their stories and see the magic happen.
You will see a massive boost in people visiting your profile and following you. Approach as many influencers as you can. Even if you get through 2 -3 of them, it’s worth the efforts. Keep repeating the same process and see your page grow!
6. Use of Stories!
Stories are key to success. But don’t overuse them or underuse them. Make a habit of putting 6–8 stories but not more! There is a logic behind it. When you put a story, it stays in the first few slots only for a brief moment. Your story is constantly being pushed behind new stories. And how often do you scroll through stories and see them? Almost never! So, to stay in the first 4 slots, you need to put stories many times a day.
A simple rule of thumb is to put stories every 2–3 hours. When people see your brand in the top slot each time they open Instagram, they can’t ignore it forever. Eventually, they will open it and watch it till the end.
Make use of engaging tools like asking questions, taking polls, asking people to rate something. Make it interesting so that people become genuinely interested in opening your stories.
7. Organic followers:
Apart from the quality of your posts, the quality of your followers is also important. No, I am not talking about paid / fake followers. Everyone knows by now that buying fake followers does more harm than good to your Instagram page. I am talking about the quality of your organic followers. 300 genuinely interested followers are worth more than 3000 random followers that follow you back because you follow them. Getting followers that are genuinely interested in your content, not only helps you get the most of your content but also creates a loyal fanbase. These are the people who are really interested in what you are doing. And when the right time comes these people become your best customers, because they know who you are and what they are going to get!
So be mindful of your followers. Remove followers that are not adding any value to your community. Make sure spammers are not following you. If they comment, make sure to delete those spammy comments.
8. Paid Promotion(if you can spend)!
This is not mandatory but a definitely useful tool. If you are serious about your page and have money to spare. Promote your best-performing posts & stories on Instagram and see your page get engagements and profile visits at lightspeed.
Facebook, Instagram is in the marketing business, they want you to spend money to improve your engagements. So if you can allocate some fixed monthly budget, spend it on your best performing posts and you will see your page grow rapidly. But remember to tailor the target audience so that your money is spent on getting in front of the right people.
When you are in process of growing an Instagram page, it can get overwhelming with all the things you have to do. But Following these basic thumb rules will make your Instagram page grow rapidly:
1. Consistency is the key
2. Respond to DMs & Comments
3. Guide People to take action (Like, Share, Save, Comment)
4. Use Interesting Captions
5. Be the Favourite Fan boy
6. Use Stories
7. Quality Organic Followers are important
8. Promote if you have budget and want some serious growth
Do try these hacks and let me know your experience. What other tricks do you use ?
Let me know in comments so that people reading this can also benefit from it! For anything else you can reach me at tejas.adgaonkar@gmail.com . Happy Marketing !
Cheers !